How Do I Sign an Envelope?

An Envelope is used as a wrapper when sending out a document for electronic signing.

When a landlord sends you an envelope containing a document such as a Tenancy Agreement you can sign the document electronically.

Sign a Document Electronically

You will receive an email with a link to the envelope that contains the document to sign.

  1. Click on the link on the email to get to the Envelope
  2. Find the document in the Documents panel and click on the Sign button
  3. Type your name into the signature box
  4. Review your signature and confirm

The document is now signed and we will send you confirmation by email.

Download and Print a Document

You can download and print a PDF copy of the document as follows:

  1. Sign in and go to the Tenants Dashboard
  2. Find the envelope in the Evelopes panel and click into it
  3. Click on the PDF button to download a PDF version of the document

The signed document is stored in your account so you can always find it if you ever need a copy.

Verify the Electronic Signature

You may at some point need to verify the integrity of the electronic signature, for example in a court case.

You can verify the signature this by clicking on the signature from the Recipients list. The page will test the document for integrity and verify the electronic signature.

More help: Renting a Property