An Identity Check delivers an easy to understand set of indicators as to the existence and authenticity of an individual and all through a single search.
The identity will be classed as Verified or Not Verified. The minimum requirements for a Verified identity are:
- 2 Residency matches
- 1 Identity match and
- 0 Alerts
Anything less will result in a Not Verified identity which suggest that you should obtain more information such as photographic identification.
Residency Checks (2)
- Presence on Electoral Roll
- Presence of credit agreement with different lenders
- Presence on BT telephone database
- Presence of court data
Identity Checks (1)
- Date of birth match on Electoral Roll
- Date of birth match on credit data
- BT telephone database match
Alerts (0)
- HM Treasury Sanctions
- Senior Political Figures
- Halo (Deceased)
- Office of Foreign Asset Control
Electoral Register
This shows if the indiviual is on the electoral register and for how long at the current address. Details of the the report subject and associates on the electoral register at the address will be included if there are any matches.
The Tenant Credit Check only shows details of people who are on the open (edited) register, not details of the full register. If a person has opted out of the public electoral register, they will not be shown on a Tenant Credit Check.
You can find more details of the electoral register here:
Linked Addresses
The report will attempt to find addresses linked to the report subject such as previous addresses.
Linked addresses are all the addresses that the indiviual or any of financial associates have lived at and where they have taken out a credit agreement. Past and present addresses become linked when:
- You have provided a company your current and previous address and they do a credit search against both of them.
- You tell a lender that you've moved, the next time they update your account information they will link your current and your old address
- Linked address information remains on the credit report indefinitely
The Watchlist screens individuals against Sanctions and Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) lists to identify target matches.
The Watchlist Summary is displayed as a panel on the report.
You can click on the Full Watchlist Report button to see more information about any matches.
The Watchlist checks for alerts in the following categories:
Category | Description |
Sanctions | Sanctions are measures primarily adopted by governments against a regime, organisation or individual that is believed to be in violation of international law. They are usually political, diplomatic or economic in nature and aim to prohibit illegal activity by high-risk individuals or groups. |
Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) | A PEP, or Politically Exposed Person, is an individual who holds the office of a prominent political function. The position of a PEP can mean that they are higher-risk individuals due to the influence and power that their position might hold, which may make them susceptible to bribery and corruption. |
Relatives & Close Associates (RCAs) of PEPs | Relatives and Close Associates (RCAs) are individuals that are associated to a PEP by a family, friend or business connection, and can include parents, siblings, friends, legal advisors, and business associates. RCAs are also known as ‘secondary PEPs’. |
Special Interest Person / Entity (SIP/SIE) | Special Interest Persons (SIPs) and Special Interest Entities (SIEs) are individuals or organisations that present a heightened level of risk due to their suspected or confirmed involvement in criminal activity. Association with these parties can represent both reputational and legal risk. |