How Do I Report a Property Repair?

A tenant can report an issue or property repair to a landlord so you can be sure it has been reported in writing.

The repair report is stored in your account so you can refer back to it if you need to.

How to Report a Repair

Repairs can be described using a simple classification system and can be created by the tenant as follows:

  1. Sign in and go to the Tenant Dashboard
  2. Find the tenancy in the Tenancies panel and click into it
  3. Click on the Report Property Issue button
  4. Choose the relevant categories and complete the rest of the repair report
  5. Submit the repair report

The landlord will be notifed of the repair report immediately.

Find Repair Reports

You can find previous repair reports from the Tenant Dashboard, look in the Repairs panel.

The landlord can then add notes to the repair report to keep the tenant informed of progress.

More help: Renting a Property